NetBattle Forum - Pokémon Battling

Votes given by Charrol Astra

  1. .
    joe dovrebbe imparare a giocare prima di suggerirmi le mosse

    anche obs fgggggg
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    non devo mica essere forte per avere opinioni... non so giocare a calcio come aquilani, ma posso ugualmente dire che sabato ha fatto schifo ed ho ugualmente ragione, pensa te.

    è interessante comunque vedere di come un giocatore tra i più promettenti dell'intero panorama italiano affermi di avere solo il 20% in più di possibilità di un bimbo di 6 anni di vincere una battle. Non potrei sperare in un futuro migliore
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    Finalmente mi sono deciso a postare il mio ulto teamz con cui ho passato gli ultimi due mesi nei vari simulatori ad usarlo e l'altro giorno sono riuscito a sfondare il muro dei 1600 punti, aggiudicandomente 1606

    [ ].

    Questo è un team della categoria "Spike stacking offense" che si basa su un principio molto semplice: si mettono sul terreno avversario quante più hazard possibili grazie a Skarmory con lo scopo si logorare ad ogni switch i pokemon avversari, e ad esso si anca in ghost type per impedire all'avversario di togliere le hazard con la mossa rapid spin.

    Il ghost più usato per questo scopo è Gengar ma pensandoci non ha un'entrata sicura sui due spinner più usati, ossia Starmie e Tentacruel; così ragionando sui vari ghost notai che jellicent poteva fare al caso mio avendo un typing fantastico e l'immuità alle mosse water ma ovviamente il set standard difensivo non sarebbe stato idoneo per questo compito finchè non notai la mossa Trick Room che abbinata alla sua ottima coverage (water - ice - ghost) mi permetteva di coprire la maggior parte del metagame; in sostanza mi permetteva di antispinnare ma anche di rilanciare la mia strategia con la room colpendo per primo e facendo grossi danni ai vari offence.

    ovviamente un solo trickroomer era sprecato così ci associai il buon vecchio reuniclus che con la sua abilità mi permetteva di avere il boost della orb senza recoil ed un altro che picchiasse davvero duro.

    La core principale fu fatta, così pensai ad un ulteriore modo di sfruttare le hazard sul terreno avversario.. e quale modo migliore se non una volturn chain? inserii senza dubbio quella più efficace, ossia Scizor + RotomW rispettivamente Choicebander e choicescarfer offrendomi velocità e potenza.

    Mi mancava da utilizzare uno slot e c'era ancora la debolezza a sun che mi dava qualche fastidio, così pensai di inserire OrbLatias e funzionò davvero bene, tranne contro Heatran in sun perché con surf di latias avrebbe preso davvero pochi danni, così pensai e ci ficcai al suo posto Latios con earthquake per dargli un ohko diretto e levarmelo dalle scatole, inoltre mi permetteva di colpire jirachi sotto rain a cui fa circa 47%, Magnezone ma anche Tyranitar.

    * * *

    Dopo il ban di Deo-D questo set di Skarmory sta andando fortissimo perchè permette di settare sempre almeno le rocce ed una fila di spikes, inoltre con la custap si ha un turno con priority se la vita scende sotto il 25% per colpire o settare un' ulteriore fla di spikes.

    Massima velocità per andare in speed tie con breloom cercando di tauntarlo per evitare la spore, inoltre massimizzandogli l'attacco è in grado di fare buoni danni ai vari spinner che entrerebbero su di lui facilitando il lavoro a Jellicent.

    Bisogna stare giusto attenti a Taunt-Kion lead che essendo più veloce ci taunterebbe per primo ma anche a Xatu.. quell'uccellaccio malefico è davvero seccante con magicbounce perchè respinge 3 delle 4 mosse di Skarmory ed alcuni hanno heatwave per colpirlo, quindi occhio!

    [IMG]Lui è senza dubbio la star, con il suo fatastico typing ottiene spesso occasioni per settare la trick room e dare inizio allo sweep in coppia cn reuniclus. Non ha un attacco speciale mostruoso ed infatti credevo facesse danni modesti, ma con l'ausilio della orb in combo con le due potenti stab diventa uno sweeper di prima scelta, wallato praticamente solo da Ferrothorn e Chansey. Keldeo è sicuramente il pokèmon che gli permette di settare la trickroom avendo praticamente tutte le mosse inefficaci su di esso, ma ci sono anche scizor, i vari latios dopo il drop in spatk, terrakion lockato su close combact ma anche lucario perchè oramai sono pochissimi quelli con crunch.

    vediamo un po' di danni:
    - Hydropump contro Scizor 252 HP con stealth ed 1 fla di spikes: 367 - 417 (106,69% - 121,22%) Guaranteed OHKO

    - Hydropumo contro 252 HP / 252 Spdef careful Jirachi in rain con stealth ed 1 fila di spikes: 319 - 361 (78,96% - 89,36%) 2 hits to KO (with Leftovers

    - Hydropumo contro Tyranitar 252 HP / 252 spdef in sand con srock ed 1 fila di spikes: 303 - 342 (75% - 84,65%) 2 hits to KO (with Leftovers)

    - Shadowball contro Latios con srock: 326 - 380 (108,31% - 126,25%) Guaranteed OHKO

    - Shadowball contro Celebi 252 HP / 252 Spdef calm con srock ed 1 fila di spikes: 303 - 342 (75% - 84,65%) 2 hits to KO (with Leftovers)

    Questi sono alcuni dei danni più interessanti che fa, potete dunque capire la sua potenza :3

    Ecco il terzo membro della core principale, grazie alla sua bulkyness, al suo alto attacco speciale ed alla sua scarsa velocità lo rendono il compagno perfetto per lo sweep in trick room di Jellicent.

    Insieme fanno letteralmente a pezzi i team offensvi perchè hanno un' ottima resistenza alle priority e con la loro coverage colpiscono TUTTO.

    Il set come vedete è il trickroom standard e non ha bisogno di spiegazioni troppo approfondite: psychic preferito a psyshock è per evitare di essere wallati dai vari gliscor ed hippowdon che essendo prettamente difensori fisici prenderebbero danni modesti dalla seconda. Shadowball è principalmente per celebi, jellicent ed i lati@s, mentre focusblast è lì per scizor, ferrothorn ma soprattutto tyranitar.

    La peculiarità di questo pokemon è l'immunità ai danni residui (hazard, life orb, sand..) che gli permette di avere un buon staying power.

    Unico scarfer del team perché avendo due trickroomers si sarebbero andate a creare situazioni di svantaggio.

    Veloce quanto basta per dare un ohko diretto ai vari draghi con la hp ice e fermare appunto il dragospam; offre inoltre una magnifica copertura contro Mamoswine che altrimenti darebbe qualche problema al team. Grazie alla sua velocità mi permette anche di outspeedare starmie nel caso jellicent muoia prima del previsto.. sostanzialmente anche lui ha il ruolo di pseudo antispinner, lol.

    Grazie a voltswitch mi permette di rilanciare la strategia e di creare fantastiche volturnchain con scizor. Trick è lì apposta per creare fastidio qual'ora incontrassi uno stall team, nello specifico bisognerebbe passare la scarf a chansey per toglierle la eviolite e renderla inerme avendo solo scizor come attaccante fisico.

    Il secondo membro della volturnchain annunciata pocanzi nella descrizione di rotomz.

    E' il classico scizor che gira dai tempi di DPPt, il set è rimasto lo stesso e non vedo perché cambiarlo, lol.

    Con bulletpunch regala all'utilizzatore un enorme potere di revengekilling verso gran parte del metagame, infondendo ottimi danni anchi a chi resiste allo steel type, mentre uturn è anch'essa come volt switch per rilanciare la strategia e per creare volturnchain con rotom. Pursuit e superpower sono le mosse 'secondarie' che vengono usate meno delle due precedenti ma anche loro hanno utlità: per esempio per colpire diretto ferrothorn o heatran in predict, oppure per trappare qualche lati@s.

    ..suvvia.. tutti sapete come funziona scizor, lol.

    Diciamo che con lui mi sono già espresso nella building phase: è stato inserito principalmente per contrastare i sun, nello specifico heatran ma funge anche da bait per scizor con la hp fire.

    recover devo ammettere di usarla poco ma a volte davanti ad un pokè che mi aspetto usi protect conviene comunque usarla per ricaricare la vita.

    Mi aiuta molto anche contro rotom che altrimenti potrebbe dare qualche problema al team, ma la cosa più interessante è sicuramente earthquake perchè funge da bait per appunto heatran, jirachi, magnezone e talvolta anche contro tyranitar perchè etrando su un suo dracometeor ed aggiungendo il danno residuo delle hazard, con eq ho la possibilità di togliermelo di torno.


    Spero che il team vi sia piaciuto <3

    Pls comment, rate and subscribe!

    Vintage Ouija (Latios) (M) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Levitate
    EVs: 20 Atk / 236 SAtk / 252 Spd
    Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
    - Draco Meteor
    - Recover
    - Earthquake
    - Hidden Power [Fire]

    Graveyard (Skarmory) (M) @ Custap Berry
    Trait: Sturdy
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
    - Brave Bird
    - Taunt
    - Stealth Rock
    - Spikes

    DementedMind (Reuniclus) (M) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Magic Guard
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk
    Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
    - Psychic
    - Trick Room
    - Shadow Ball
    - Focus Blast

    Chrome Bone (Scizor) (M) @ Choice Band
    Trait: Technician
    EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
    Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
    - Bullet Punch
    - Superpower
    - U-turn
    - Pursuit

    GhostWhiskey (Jellicent) (M) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Water Absorb
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk
    Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
    - Hydro Pump
    - Trick Room
    - Ice Beam
    - Shadow Ball

    PlaguedClown (Rotom-W) @ Choice Scarf
    Trait: Levitate
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
    - Hydro Pump
    - Trick
    - Volt Switch
    - Hidden Power [Ice]
  5. .
    asuya non dimenticare il consueto segone nei cessi della scuola, appena prima dell'esame. poi esci e stringi la mano a tutti i commissari esterni senza manco lavarti le mani. mi raccomando. conto su di te.
  6. .
    sono segaiolo, per me vivere in assenza di porno non avrebbe significato
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    infatti hai fatto bene dandy

    io la vedo più che altro in due modi:

    1- farsi i tatuaggi per pure questioni estetiche anche senza significato mi sta bene, non ci trovo niente di male se uno è amante del genere.

    2- farsi un tatuaggio perchè ti è successa una cosa che per te ha avuto un significato importante e che ha segnato la tua vita, che sia la data di un'operazione (al cuore, un mio amico si è tatuato sul braccio un cuore con una scritta con sfondo la linea dell'elettrocardiogramma, ma lo ha fatto più per mostrarlo che per altro secondo me, però vabbè posso solo supporre.) o che sia una frase o un significato riguardante un'amore travolgente, anche se poi è finito è una cosa che non ti dimenticherai mai e che probabilmente non ti ricapiterà più, per questo uno può decidere di marchiarselo sulla pelle.

    invece sono contro a chi se li fa per seguire la moda e inventa significati a muzzo per le sue cazzate che ha in testa, a chi se li fa con superficialità perchè fa figo dimostrare un sentimento, non importa che sia falso l'importante è che sfoggiano il tatuaggio.

    se dovessi farmi un tatuaggio, per come la vedo io, probabilmente lo farei solo per amore. non credo ci sia altro di più importante nella vita, soldi, successo, essere famosi, sono tutte cose "effimere" quello che ci fa stare bene sono le altre persone, perchè il mondo è pieno di gente falsa, opportunista, infame, disposta a rinnegare anche sua madre per fare anche solo un gradino in più della scala sociale immaginaria che ha in testa, quello che conta è circondarsi di persone che ci vogliono bene e stare accanto a loro.

    Edited by -B- - 24/4/2013, 00:33
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    se sei gnocca rateo!
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  10. .
    non è tanto la tipologia di erba ma la sua provenienza e i trattamenti che ha subito: se comunque te l'ha data una persona di cui ti fidi e che la fuma regolarmente senza che le succeda niente, allora non c'è problema... e poi ora che ho letto i tuoi sintomi sono tutti perfettamente normali
  11. .
    Questo è il topic dello st quindi l2p e tornate quando ne avrete vinto 1
  12. .
    il matchup non esiste, è solo una stupida giustificazione lol
  13. .
    si Chase ma onestamente

    che cazzo vuoi?

    non giochi RSE, magari manco hai NBS, cioè è chiaro che non vuoi giocare RSE

    ed è chiaro che chi non vuole scaricarsi NBS non vuole giocare RSE: magari gf ha ragione e RSE fa schifo o magari i player di oggi sono una manica di deficienti che segue lo stile Smogon, ovvero "gioco solo il mg corrente e dimentico che gli altri esistono" ( ora mi dirai che Smogon rispetta tutti i metagame )

    io di portare tutto su PO per dare retta a certa gente non ne ho voglia, lo ripeto, studieremo delle soluzioni per questi fag

    i PT si faranno su NBS ed il Nazionale RSE sarà un Nazionale
  14. .
    Game 1 (molto bella a mio avviso):

    Battle between Back Burner and Luck>Skill started!

    Tier: HGSS OU
    Mode: Singles
    Rule: Unrated
    Rule: Sleep Clause
    Rule: Freeze Clause
    Rule: Species Clause
    Rule: Self-KO Clause

    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!
    Fitzyhbbe is watching the battle.
    Duncan>Y>DPP is watching the battle.
    peppe>joe>luck>skill is watching the battle.
    Heather Star is watching the battle.
    TD_Fener is watching the battle.
    .Mylo Xyloto is watching the battle.
    Heather Star stopped watching the battle.
    CasedVictory is watching the battle.
    Duncan>Y>DPP: W Y
    Duncan>Y>DPP: W Y
    Duncan>Y>DPP: W Y
    .Mylo Xyloto: kikkatelo
    Luck>Skill: fener
    StipiliSpronfi is watching the battle.
    .Mylo Xyloto: no aspetta
    .Mylo Xyloto: sta bestemmiando su skype
    GrUUfo is watching the battle.
    Luck>Skill: lol
    .Mylo Xyloto: perchè non riesce
    .Mylo Xyloto: ad aprire
    .Mylo Xyloto: camtasia
    Duncan>Y>DPP: a segarsi
    Lothui is watching the battle.
    Luck>Skill: dgaf
    Luck>Skill: andiamo
    ShowMeTheMankey is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 1
    The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
    It's not very effective...
    Heatran lost 17 HP! (5% of its health)
    Duncan>Y>DPP: non riesce a segarsi
    Back Burner called Jirachi back!
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!

    Heatran used Overheat!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Starmie lost 76% of its health!
    Heatran's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    TD_Fener: tranzolli
    TD_Fener: che filmo
    StipiliSpronfi: non è specs

    Start of turn 2
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Breloom!

    The foe's Starmie used Recover!
    The foe's Starmie regained health!
    Fosco is watching the battle.

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom's Toxic Orb activated!
    Breloom was badly poisoned!

    Start of turn 3
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    The attack of the foe's Starmie missed!

    Breloom used Leech Seed!
    The foe's Starmie was seeded!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Starmie's health is sapped by leech seed.
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 4
    The foe's Starmie used Rapid Spin!
    Breloom lost 10 HP! (3% of its health)
    The foe's Starmie blew away Leech Seed!

    Breloom used Substitute!
    Breloom made a substitute!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 5
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom's substitute faded!

    Breloom used Leech Seed!
    The foe's Starmie was seeded!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Starmie's health is sapped by leech seed.
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 6
    The foe's Starmie used Rapid Spin!
    Breloom lost 10 HP! (3% of its health)
    The foe's Starmie blew away Leech Seed!

    Breloom used Substitute!
    Breloom made a substitute!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 7
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom's substitute faded!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Starmie lost 36% of its health!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    Scizor is watching the battle.
    Ale Ramone58 is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 8
    Back Burner called Starmie back!
    Back Burner sent out Zapdos!

    The foe's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!
    Breloom used Spore!
    The foe's Zapdos fell asleep!

    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    _Alexander_ is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 9
    The foe's Zapdos is fast asleep.

    Breloom used Substitute!
    Breloom made a substitute!

    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 10
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Zapdos woke up!
    The foe's Zapdos used Substitute!
    The foe's Zapdos made a substitute!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Zapdos's substitute faded!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 11
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom's substitute faded!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Zapdos lost 28% of its health!
    Scizor: is this a decider for the team or something?

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    [Imperial]Shinichi is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 12
    The foe's Zapdos used Substitute!
    The foe's Zapdos made a substitute!

    Breloom used Substitute!
    Breloom made a substitute!
    Fosco: n

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 13
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom's substitute faded!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Zapdos's substitute faded!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 14
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom lost 102 HP! (31% of its health)
    Unlucky- is watching the battle.

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    Breloom lost its focus!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 15
    The foe's Zapdos used Substitute!
    The foe's Zapdos made a substitute!
    Fosco: italian dpp super tour finalssssss

    Breloom used Substitute!
    Breloom made a substitute!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Hikari is watching the battle.
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    _Alexander_: back burder is already in the gang
    Michael is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 16
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom's substitute faded!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Zapdos's substitute faded!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    Scizor: o.o
    _Alexander_: of mafia

    Start of turn 17
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom lost 97 HP! (30% of its health)
    _Alexander_: team

    Breloom used Substitute!
    Breloom made a substitute!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    Michael: whats this fo

    Start of turn 18
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom's substitute faded!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Zapdos lost 32% of its health!
    Michael: for

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 19
    The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom lost 102 HP! (31% of its health)

    Breloom used Spore!
    The foe's Zapdos fell asleep!

    The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 20
    Breloom is tightening its focus!
    Back Burner called Zapdos back!
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!

    Breloom used Focus Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Starmie lost 41% of its health!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Fosco: italian dpp finals
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
    Michael: o
    Michael: ok

    Start of turn 21
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom lost 115 HP! (35% of its health)

    Breloom used Leech Seed!
    The foe's Starmie was seeded!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Starmie's health is sapped by leech seed.
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 22
    Luck>Skill called Breloom back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Jirachi!

    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    Jirachi lost 166 HP! (48% of its health)

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Starmie's health is sapped by leech seed.

    Start of turn 23
    Back Burner called Starmie back!
    Back Burner sent out Gliscor!

    Jirachi used Fire Punch!
    The foe's Gliscor lost 19% of its health!

    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 24
    Luck>Skill called Jirachi back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Breloom!

    The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
    It's not very effective...
    Breloom lost 57 HP! (17% of its health)

    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!

    Start of turn 25
    The foe's Gliscor used Ice Fang!
    It's super effective!
    Breloom lost 85 HP! (26% of its health)
    Breloom fainted!

    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Luck>Skill sent out Swampert!

    Start of turn 26
    Back Burner called Gliscor back!
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!

    Swampert used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Back Burner's team!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 27
    The foe's Starmie used Recover!
    The foe's Starmie regained health!
    .Mylo Xyloto: luck

    Swampert used Earthquake!
    The foe's Starmie lost 43% of its health!
    .Mylo Xyloto: qui ti si offende

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: pesantemente
    .Mylo Xyloto: eh

    Start of turn 28
    Luck>Skill called Swampert back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Rotom-H!

    The foe's Starmie used Recover!
    The foe's Starmie regained health!

    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Duncan>Y>DPP: insomma l2p

    Start of turn 29
    Back Burner called Starmie back!
    Back Burner sent out Tyranitar!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Tyranitar!

    the foe's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
    Rotom-H used Substitute!
    Rotom-H made a substitute!
    Fosco: !

    The sandstorm rages.
    Rotom-H is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Rotom-H restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    BijouX is watching the battle.
    .Mylo Xyloto: SUBPUNCH ROTOM
    Unlucky-: wow

    Start of turn 30
    The foe's Tyranitar used Crunch!
    It's super effective!
    Rotom-H's substitute faded!

    Rotom-H used Thunder Wave!
    The foe's Tyranitar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Rotom-H is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Rotom-H restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 31
    Luck>Skill called Rotom-H back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Swampert!

    The foe's Tyranitar is paralyzed! It can't move!

    The sandstorm rages.
    .Mylo Xyloto: hax>skill
    Unlucky-: prevedo forti lucari
    Unlucky-: forti

    Start of turn 32
    Luck>Skill called Swampert back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    The foe's Tyranitar used Crunch!
    It's not very effective...
    Heatran lost 66 HP! (19% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.

    Start of turn 33
    Heatran used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Tyranitar lost 51% of its health!

    The foe's Tyranitar used Crunch!
    It's not very effective...
    Heatran lost 74 HP! (22% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.

    Start of turn 34
    Back Burner called Tyranitar back!
    Back Burner sent out Metagross!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Metagross!

    Heatran used Hidden Power!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Metagross lost 19% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Unlucky-: grande agilitÃ

    Start of turn 35
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Swampert!

    The foe's Metagross used Earthquake!
    Swampert lost 104 HP! (25% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Unlucky-: e forti lucari
    tympe is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 36
    Swampert used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Metagross lost 56% of its health!
    Scizor stopped watching the battle.

    The foe's Metagross used Trick!
    The foe's Metagross switched items with Swampert!
    The foe's Metagross obtained one Leftovers!
    Swampert obtained one Iron Ball!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Metagross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    omegoso ç_ç is watching the battle.
    Unlucky-: grandi sitting duck senza recovery
    Scizor is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 37
    The foe's Metagross used Earthquake!
    Swampert lost 99 HP! (24% of its health)
    Unlucky-: veramente grandi

    Swampert used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Metagross lost 24% of its health!
    The foe's Metagross fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Starmie!

    Start of turn 38
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    The attack of the foe's Starmie missed!

    Swampert used Earthquake!
    The foe's Starmie lost 46% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: hax>skill
    .Mylo Xyloto: always
    Back Burner: dai cazzo

    Start of turn 39
    The foe's Starmie used Recover!
    The foe's Starmie regained health!

    Swampert used Roar!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Zapdos!
    The foe's Zapdos was dragged out!
    The foe's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Zapdos is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Zapdos fainted!
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Starmie!

    Unlucky-: dai cazzo

    Start of turn 40
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    Swampert lost 154 HP! (38% of its health)

    Swampert used Earthquake!
    The foe's Starmie lost 44% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 41
    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    Swampert lost 72 HP! (17% of its health)
    Swampert fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Luck>Skill sent out Jirachi!

    Start of turn 42
    Back Burner called Starmie back!
    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

    Jirachi used Iron Head!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Jirachi lost 18% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.

    Start of turn 43
    Luck>Skill called Jirachi back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
    It's not very effective...
    Heatran lost 15 HP! (4% of its health)
    Back Burner called Jirachi back!
    Back Burner sent out Gliscor!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gliscor!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 44
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Blissey!

    The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
    Blissey lost 244 HP! (34% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    Blissey is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 45
    Back Burner called Gliscor back!
    Back Burner sent out Tyranitar!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Tyranitar!

    Blissey used Ice Beam!
    The foe's Tyranitar lost 11% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Blissey is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 46
    Back Burner called Tyranitar back!
    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

    Blissey used Seismic Toss!
    The foe's Jirachi lost 29% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Blissey is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 47
    The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
    Blissey lost 119 HP! (16% of its health)
    Back Burner called Jirachi back!
    Back Burner sent out Tyranitar!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Tyranitar!

    Blissey used Softboiled!
    Blissey regained health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Blissey is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 48
    Blissey used Seismic Toss!
    The foe's Tyranitar lost 0% of its health!
    The foe's Tyranitar fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Blissey is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Scizor stopped watching the battle.
    Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

    Start of turn 49
    The foe's Jirachi used Trick!
    The foe's Jirachi switched items with Blissey!
    The foe's Jirachi obtained one Leftovers!
    Blissey obtained one Choice Scarf!

    Blissey used Thunder Wave!
    The foe's Jirachi is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Blissey is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 50
    Luck>Skill called Blissey back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Jirachi!

    The foe's Jirachi used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Luck>Skill's team!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 51
    Back Burner called Jirachi back!
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Starmie!

    Jirachi used Trick!
    Jirachi switched items with the foe's Starmie!
    Jirachi obtained one Leftovers!
    The foe's Starmie obtained one Choice Scarf!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Starmie fainted!
    Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Back Burner sent out Gliscor!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gliscor!

    Start of turn 52
    Jirachi used Iron Head!
    The foe's Gliscor lost 34% of its health!

    The foe's Gliscor used Swords Dance!
    The foe's Gliscor's Attack sharply rose!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 53
    Jirachi used Iron Head!
    The foe's Gliscor lost 32% of its health!
    .Mylo Xyloto: !

    The foe's Gliscor flinched and couldn't move!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 54
    Jirachi used Iron Head!
    .Mylo Xyloto: gg
    The foe's Gliscor lost 30% of its health!
    The foe's Gliscor fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    CasedVictory: Awe
    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

    GrUUfo: il mancato flinch

    Start of turn 55
    Jirachi used Fire Punch!
    It's super effective!
    StipiliSpronfi stopped watching the battle.
    The foe's Jirachi lost 39% of its health!
    The foe's Jirachi fainted!

    Luck>Skill won the battle!

    Game 2 (non stellare causa il fatto che il suo team era una specie di cteam per il mio, vbb)

    Battle between Back Burner and Luck>Skill started!

    Tier: HGSS OU
    Mode: Singles
    Rule: Unrated
    Rule: Sleep Clause
    Rule: Freeze Clause
    Rule: Species Clause
    Rule: Self-KO Clause

    Back Burner sent out Gliscor!
    Luck>Skill sent out PartyStarter! (Abomasnow)
    PartyStarter's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
    Duncan>Y>DPP is watching the battle.
    StipiliSpronfi is watching the battle.
    [Imperial]Shinichi is watching the battle.
    omegoso ç_ç is watching the battle.
    Unlucky- is watching the battle.
    .Mylo Xyloto is watching the battle.
    peppe>joe>luck>skill is watching the battle.
    _Alexander_ is watching the battle.
    Fitzyhbbe is watching the battle.
    Fosco is watching the battle.
    Hikari is watching the battle.
    SteelEdges is watching the battle.
    TD_Fener is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 1
    The foe's Gliscor used U-turn!
    It's super effective!
    PartyStarter lost 126 HP! (32% of its health)
    Back Burner called Gliscor back!
    Back Burner sent out Scizor!

    PartyStarter used Blizzard!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Scizor lost 29% of its health!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    BijouX is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 2
    PartyStarter used Protect!
    PartyStarter protected itself!

    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    PartyStarter protected itself!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 3
    Luck>Skill called PartyStarter back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Sugarcult! (Skarmory)

    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    It's not very effective...
    Sugarcult lost 22 HP! (6% of its health)
    Back Burner called Scizor back!
    Back Burner sent out Magnezone!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Sugarcult is buffeted by the hail!
    Sugarcult restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Lothui is watching the battle.
    Luck>Skill: o
    Unlucky-: ohohoho
    Luck>Skill: damm

    Start of turn 4
    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    It's super effective!
    Duncan>Y>DPP: gg
    Sugarcult lost 312 HP! (93% of its health)
    Sugarcult fainted!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Luck>Skill sent out New Day! (Nidoqueen)

    Start of turn 5
    Back Burner called Magnezone back!
    Back Burner sent out Dugtrio!

    New Day used Toxic Spikes!
    Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Back Burner's team!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Dugtrio is buffeted by the hail!
    New Day is buffeted by the hail!
    [Imperial]Shinichi: bella luck hai indovinato team
    Scizor is watching the battle.
    New Day restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Luck>Skill: lmao
    Luck>Skill: antiteammmmm
    Unlucky-: AHAHAHA
    .Mylo Xyloto: ahahahaha
    Back Burner: antiteam
    Fosco: trappers, trappers everywhere
    .Mylo Xyloto: pochi trapper
    ezsponge is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 6
    The foe's Dugtrio used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    New Day lost 282 HP! (73% of its health)
    .Mylo Xyloto: mi dicono

    New Day used Earthquake!
    The foe's Dugtrio lost 85% of its health!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Dugtrio is buffeted by the hail!
    New Day is buffeted by the hail!
    New Day restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 7
    The foe's Dugtrio used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    New Day lost 102 HP! (26% of its health)
    New Day fainted!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Dugtrio is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Dugtrio fainted!
    Back Burner: solo 2 infatti
    Back Burner sent out Scizor!

    Luck>Skill sent out Paralyzer! (Starmie)

    Unlucky-: e son 3

    Start of turn 8
    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    It's super effective!
    Paralyzer lost 234 HP! (72% of its health)
    Back Burner called Scizor back!
    Back Burner sent out Celebi!
    The foe's Celebi was poisoned!

    Paralyzer used Surf!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Celebi lost 14% of its health!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Celebi is buffeted by the hail!
    Paralyzer is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Celebi was hurt by poison!
    Paralyzer restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 9
    Luck>Skill called Paralyzer back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Stacys mom! (Blissey)

    The foe's Celebi used U-turn!
    Stacys mom lost 93 HP! (13% of its health)
    Back Burner called Celebi back!
    Back Burner sent out Gliscor!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Gliscor is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    tympe is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 10
    The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
    Stacys mom lost 195 HP! (28% of its health)

    Stacys mom used Toxic!
    The foe's Gliscor was badly poisoned!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Gliscor is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Gliscor was hurt by poison!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Jimmy Turtwig is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 11
    The foe's Gliscor used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Luck>Skill's team!

    Stacys mom used Wish!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Gliscor is buffeted by the hail!
    Jimmy Turtwig stopped watching the battle.
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Gliscor was hurt by poison!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: la mamma
    .Mylo Xyloto: di stacy

    Start of turn 12
    The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
    Stacys mom lost 192 HP! (27% of its health)

    Stacys mom used Seismic Toss!
    The foe's Gliscor lost 28% of its health!

    Stacys mom's wish came true!
    Fosco: cosa fa?
    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Gliscor is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Gliscor was hurt by poison!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    peppe>joe>luck>skill: stacy's mom has got it goin on

    Start of turn 13
    The foe's Gliscor used Taunt!
    Stacys mom fell for the taunt!

    Stacys mom can't use Wish after the taunt!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Gliscor is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: usa desiderio
    The foe's Gliscor was hurt by poison!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 14
    The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
    Stacys mom lost 204 HP! (29% of its health)

    Stacys mom used Seismic Toss!
    The foe's Gliscor lost 9% of its health!
    The foe's Gliscor fainted!

    The hail crashes down.
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Back Burner sent out Scizor!

    ShowMeTheMankey is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 15
    Luck>Skill called Stacys mom back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Paralyzer! (Starmie)
    Pointed stones dug into Paralyzer!
    Unlucky-: superpotente aò

    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    It's super effective!
    Paralyzer lost 50 HP! (15% of its health)
    Paralyzer fainted!
    Luck>Skill: vabbè
    Back Burner called Scizor back!
    Back Burner sent out Magnezone!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Luck>Skill: mi sono trovato contro l'antiteam
    Luck>Skill: poco da fare qui
    Luck>Skill sent out Stacys mom! (Blissey)
    Pointed stones dug into Stacys mom!

    Start of turn 16
    Back Burner called Magnezone back!
    Back Burner sent out Scizor!

    Stacys mom used Protect!
    But it failed!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    CasedVictory is watching the battle.
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 17
    Stacys mom used Protect!
    Stacys mom protected itself!

    The foe's Scizor used Superpower!
    Stacys mom protected itself!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    SteelEdges stopped watching the battle.

    Start of turn 18
    Luck>Skill called Stacys mom back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Always! (Spiritomb)
    Pointed stones dug into Always!

    Always is exerting its Pressure!
    The foe's Scizor used Superpower!
    It had no effect on Always!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    Always is buffeted by the hail!
    Always restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: !
    .Mylo Xyloto: !
    .Mylo Xyloto: !

    Start of turn 19
    Back Burner called Scizor back!
    Back Burner sent out Magnezone!

    Luck>Skill called Always back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Stacys mom! (Blissey)
    Pointed stones dug into Stacys mom!
    .Mylo Xyloto: IL GRANDE

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    .Mylo Xyloto: TANK
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 20
    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    Stacys mom lost 123 HP! (17% of its health)

    Stacys mom used Wish!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 21
    Stacys mom used Protect!
    Stacys mom protected itself!

    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    Stacys mom protected itself!

    Stacys mom's wish came true!
    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 22
    Back Burner called Magnezone back!
    Back Burner sent out Cresselia!

    Stacys mom used Wish!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Cresselia is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Unlucky-: mo vince
    The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 23
    The foe's Cresselia used Calm Mind!
    The foe's Cresselia's Sp. Att. rose!
    The foe's Cresselia's Sp. Def. rose!

    Stacys mom used Toxic!
    The foe's Cresselia was badly poisoned!

    Stacys mom's wish came true!
    Unlucky-: !!!!
    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Cresselia is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Unlucky-: RICORDO STO TIM
    The foe's Cresselia was hurt by poison!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    CasedVictory: Psycho Shift
    Back Burner: ho rest
    Back Burner: sei sicuro di voler proseguire?
    .Mylo Xyloto: si
    Luck>Skill: si
    .Mylo Xyloto: prosegui

    Start of turn 24
    Luck>Skill called Stacys mom back!
    Luck>Skill sent out PartyStarter! (Abomasnow)
    Pointed stones dug into PartyStarter!
    .Mylo Xyloto: bravo

    The foe's Cresselia used Calm Mind!
    The foe's Cresselia's Sp. Att. rose!
    The foe's Cresselia's Sp. Def. rose!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Cresselia is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Cresselia was hurt by poison!
    .Mylo Xyloto: skill
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 25
    The foe's Cresselia used Psychic!
    PartyStarter lost 153 HP! (39% of its health)
    PartyStarter's Sp. Def. fell!

    PartyStarter used Leech Seed!
    The foe's Cresselia was seeded!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Cresselia is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Cresselia's health is sapped by leech seed.
    The foe's Cresselia was hurt by poison!
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Lothui stopped watching the battle.

    Start of turn 26
    Back Burner called Cresselia back!
    Back Burner sent out Scizor!

    PartyStarter used Protect!
    But it failed!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 27
    PartyStarter used Protect!
    PartyStarter protected itself!

    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    PartyStarter protected itself!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 28
    Luck>Skill called PartyStarter back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Always! (Spiritomb)
    Pointed stones dug into Always!

    Always is exerting its Pressure!
    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    Always lost 117 HP! (38% of its health)
    Back Burner called Scizor back!
    Back Burner sent out Magnezone!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Always is buffeted by the hail!
    Always restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 29
    Luck>Skill called Always back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Stacys mom! (Blissey)
    Pointed stones dug into Stacys mom!

    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    Stacys mom lost 126 HP! (18% of its health)

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 30
    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    Stacys mom lost 121 HP! (17% of its health)
    Stacys mom is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

    Stacys mom is paralyzed! It can't move!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 31
    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    Stacys mom lost 121 HP! (17% of its health)

    Stacys mom used Wish!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    you're fired y/n is watching the battle.
    Stex is watching the battle.
    Unlucky-: ch
    .Mylo Xyloto: ^
    Unlucky-: +par
    [Imperial]Shinichi: nha

    Start of turn 32
    Stacys mom is paralyzed! It can't move!

    The foe's Magnezone used Thunderbolt!
    Stacys mom lost 142 HP! (20% of its health)

    Stacys mom's wish came true!
    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Magnezone is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom is buffeted by the hail!
    Stacys mom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Unlucky-: c'ho quasi azzeccato dai

    Start of turn 33
    The foe's Magnezone used Explosion!
    CasedVictory: oooooooooo
    Unlucky-: !!!
    Stacys mom lost 436 HP! (63% of its health)
    Stacys mom fainted!
    The foe's Magnezone fainted!

    The hail crashes down.
    Back Burner sent out Scizor!

    Luck>Skill sent out PartyStarter! (Abomasnow)
    Pointed stones dug into PartyStarter!
    Luck>Skill: k

    Luck>Skill: gg
    Luck>Skill: bell'antiteam
    Back Burner: gg

    Start of turn 34
    PartyStarter used Protect!
    PartyStarter protected itself!

    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    PartyStarter protected itself!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Scizor is buffeted by the hail!
    PartyStarter restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Back Burner: thx

    Start of turn 35
    PartyStarter used Protect!
    But it failed!

    The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
    It's super effective!
    PartyStarter lost 136 HP! (35% of its health)
    PartyStarter fainted!
    Back Burner called Scizor back!
    Back Burner sent out Celebi!
    The foe's Celebi was poisoned!

    The hail crashes down.
    The foe's Celebi is buffeted by the hail!
    The foe's Celebi was hurt by poison!
    Luck>Skill sent out Always! (Spiritomb)
    Pointed stones dug into Always!

    Always is exerting its Pressure!
    CasedVictory: This looks like ladybug's team

    Start of turn 36
    The foe's Celebi used Leaf Storm!
    Luck>Skill: it is
    Always lost 73 HP! (24% of its health)
    The foe's Celebi's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
    Always fainted!

    Back Burner won the battle!
    Luck>Skill: lol
    Fosco: ^

    Game 3 (carina, nulla di particolare)

    Battle between Back Burner and Luck>Skill started!

    Tier: HGSS OU
    Mode: Singles
    Rule: Unrated
    Rule: Sleep Clause
    Rule: Freeze Clause
    Rule: Species Clause
    Rule: Self-KO Clause

    Back Burner sent out Emix Fag! (Jirachi)
    Luck>Skill sent out bipedal! (Machamp)
    Fosco is watching the battle.
    TD_Fener is watching the battle.
    StipiliSpronfi is watching the battle.
    [Imperial]Shinichi is watching the battle.
    omegoso ç_ç is watching the battle.
    .Mylo Xyloto is watching the battle.
    Unlucky- is watching the battle.
    Duncan>Y>DPP is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 1
    Luck>Skill called bipedal back!
    Luck>Skill sent out humanoid! (Jirachi)

    The foe's Emix Fag used Zen Headbutt!
    The attack of the foe's Emix Fag missed!

    peppe>joe>luck>skill is watching the battle.
    Hikari is watching the battle.
    Back Burner: hf

    Start of turn 2
    The foe's Emix Fag used Zen Headbutt!
    It's not very effective...
    Humanoid lost 31 HP! (9% of its health)

    Humanoid used U-turn!
    The foe's Emix Fag lost 20% of its health!
    Luck>Skill called humanoid back!
    Luck>Skill sent out dinosaur! (Tyranitar)

    dinosaur's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

    The sandstorm rages.
    dxrtyh is watching the battle.
    BijouX is watching the battle.
    tympe is watching the battle.
    _Alexander_ is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 3
    Back Burner called Emix Fag back!
    Back Burner sent out Retard! (Forretress)

    Dinosaur used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Back Burner's team!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Fosco: Luck dajeeeeeee
    SteelEdges is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 4
    Luck>Skill called dinosaur back!
    Luck>Skill sent out onion! (Celebi)

    The foe's Retard used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Luck>Skill's team!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Onion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Onion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 5
    Onion used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Retard lost 64% of its health!

    The foe's Retard used Rapid Spin!
    Onion lost 11 HP! (2% of its health)
    The foe's Retard blew away Stealth Rock!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Onion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Onion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's Retard restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 6
    Back Burner called Retard back!
    Back Burner sent out BADASS! (Metagross)

    Onion used Grass Knot!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's BADASS lost 19% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Onion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Onion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 7
    Onion used Thunder Wave!
    The foe's BADASS is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

    The foe's BADASS used Meteor Mash!
    Onion lost 138 HP! (34% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    Onion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Onion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 8
    Onion used Recover!
    Onion regained health!

    The foe's BADASS used Trick!
    The foe's BADASS switched items with onion!
    The foe's BADASS obtained one Leftovers!
    Onion obtained one Iron Ball!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Onion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's BADASS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 9
    Onion used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's BADASS lost 34% of its health!

    The foe's BADASS used Meteor Mash!
    Onion lost 142 HP! (35% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    Onion is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's BADASS restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: joe sei profondamente innamorato

    Start of turn 10
    Onion used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's BADASS lost 33% of its health!

    The foe's BADASS used Explosion!
    Onion lost 212 HP! (52% of its health)
    Onion fainted!
    The foe's BADASS fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    .Mylo Xyloto: di metagros
    .Mylo Xyloto: *metagross
    Back Burner sent out Emix Fag! (Jirachi)

    Luck>Skill sent out humanoid! (Jirachi)
    Pointed stones dug into humanoid!

    .Mylo Xyloto: tricker

    Start of turn 11
    The foe's Emix Fag used U-turn!
    Humanoid lost 69 HP! (20% of its health)
    Ale Ramone58 is watching the battle.
    Back Burner called Emix Fag back!
    Back Burner sent out Retard! (Forretress)

    Humanoid used U-turn!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Retard lost 7% of its health!
    Duncan>Y>DPP: gli piacciono
    Unlucky-: e di gliscor
    Duncan>Y>DPP: le cose dure
    Luck>Skill called humanoid back!
    Luck>Skill sent out bipedal! (Machamp)
    Pointed stones dug into bipedal!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Bipedal is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Retard restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 12
    Bipedal used DynamicPunch!
    The foe's Retard lost 40% of its health!
    The foe's Retard fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Bipedal is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Back Burner sent out Emix Fag! (Jirachi)

    Start of turn 13
    The foe's Emix Fag used Zen Headbutt!
    It's super effective!
    Bipedal lost 270 HP! (70% of its health)

    Bipedal used DynamicPunch!
    The foe's Emix Fag lost 55% of its health!
    The foe's Emix Fag became confused!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Bipedal is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Back Burner: tgfdc

    Start of turn 14
    Bipedal used Bullet Punch!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Emix Fag lost 7% of its health!

    The foe's Emix Fag is confused!
    The foe's Emix Fag used Zen Headbutt!
    It's super effective!
    Bipedal lost 19 HP! (4% of its health)
    Bipedal fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Luck>Skill sent out dinosaur! (Tyranitar)
    Pointed stones dug into dinosaur!

    Start of turn 15
    Back Burner called Emix Fag back!
    Back Burner sent out Still Strong! (Dragonite)

    Dinosaur used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Back Burner's team!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Still Strong is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 16
    Luck>Skill called dinosaur back!
    Luck>Skill sent out snake! (Gyarados)
    Pointed stones dug into snake!

    Snake intimidates the foe's Still Strong!
    The foe's Still Strong's Attack fell!
    The foe's Still Strong used Superpower!
    It's not very effective...
    Snake lost 55 HP! (14% of its health)
    Stex is watching the battle.
    The foe's Still Strong's Attack fell!
    The foe's Still Strong's Defense fell!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Still Strong is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Snake is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Snake restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 17
    The foe's Still Strong used Draco Meteor!
    Snake lost 223 HP! (60% of its health)
    The foe's Still Strong's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
    Snake fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Still Strong is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Luck>Skill sent out humanoid! (Jirachi)
    Pointed stones dug into humanoid!

    Start of turn 18
    Humanoid used Iron Head!
    The foe's Still Strong lost 58% of its health!

    The foe's Still Strong used Fire Blast!
    It's super effective!
    Humanoid lost 144 HP! (42% of its health)
    The foe's Still Strong fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    torchicollo is watching the battle.
    Back Burner sent out Endgame! (Kingdra)
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Endgame!
    Unlucky-: oh no

    Start of turn 19
    Humanoid used Iron Head!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Endgame lost 17% of its health!

    The foe's Endgame used Dragon Dance!
    The foe's Endgame's Attack rose!
    The foe's Endgame's Speed rose!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Endgame is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Unlucky-: non ha flinchato
    .Mylo Xyloto: gg

    Start of turn 20
    Humanoid used Iron Head!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Endgame lost 16% of its health!

    The foe's Endgame flinched and couldn't move!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Endgame is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 21
    Humanoid used Iron Head!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Endgame lost 18% of its health!

    The foe's Endgame used Dragon Dance!
    The foe's Endgame's Attack rose!
    The foe's Endgame's Speed rose!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Endgame is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 22
    The foe's Endgame used Rest!
    .Mylo Xyloto: !
    The foe's Endgame went to sleep and became healthy!
    The foe's Endgame ate its Chesto Berry!
    The foe's Endgame woke up!

    Humanoid used Iron Head!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Endgame lost 19% of its health!
    Luck>Skill: ma che palle

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Endgame is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Unlucky-: gg
    Luck>Skill: tu e il tuo kingdra
    Back Burner: gg
    Luck>Skill: avete un culo della madonna
    Back Burner: <3
    Luck>Skill: ogni volta
    Luck>Skill: :|

    Start of turn 23
    The foe's Endgame used Waterfall!
    Unlucky-: er mejo predicter
    Humanoid lost 55 HP! (16% of its health)
    Humanoid fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Endgame is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Back Burner: lo so
    .Mylo Xyloto: 2-1 siore e siori
    _Alexander_: crushe'd again
    Luck>Skill sent out dog! (Lucario)
    Pointed stones dug into dog!

    torchicollo: kingdra va usato in altri modii
    Fitzyhbbe is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 24
    Dog used ExtremeSpeed!
    The foe's Endgame lost 34% of its health!
    Duncan>Y>DPP: vai di crot

    The foe's Endgame used Waterfall!
    _Alexander_: crit
    Dog lost 244 HP! (87% of its health)
    Dog fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Endgame is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Duncan>Y>DPP: no eh
    _Alexander_: sta volta non ha funzionato
    Luck>Skill sent out dinosaur! (Tyranitar)
    Pointed stones dug into dinosaur!

    Start of turn 25
    The foe's Endgame used Waterfall!
    It's super effective!
    .Mylo Xyloto stopped watching the battle.
    Unlucky- stopped watching the battle.
    Stex stopped watching the battle.
    Dinosaur lost 301 HP! (75% of its health)
    Dinosaur fainted!

    Back Burner won the battle!
    dxrtyh stopped watching the battle.

    Game 4 (come direbbe qualcuno, "sembra una BW" [difatti vinco hueuhe])

    Battle between Back Burner and Luck>Skill started!

    Tier: HGSS OU
    Mode: Singles
    Rule: Unrated
    Rule: Sleep Clause
    Rule: Freeze Clause
    Rule: Species Clause
    Rule: Self-KO Clause

    Back Burner sent out Old Style! (Aerodactyl)
    Luck>Skill sent out Roserade!
    The foe's Old Style is exerting its Pressure!
    Duncan>Y>DPP is watching the battle.
    SteelEdges is watching the battle.
    _Alexander_ is watching the battle.
    TD_Fener is watching the battle.
    [Imperial]Shinichi is watching the battle.
    peppe>joe>luck>skill is watching the battle.
    BijouX is watching the battle.
    .Mylo Xyloto is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 1
    Roserade used Sleep Powder!
    The foe's Old Style fell asleep!

    The foe's Old Style is fast asleep.

    omegoso ç_ç is watching the battle.
    Stex is watching the battle.
    tympe is watching the battle.
    Fosco is watching the battle.
    Unlucky- is watching the battle.
    Ale Ramone58 is watching the battle.
    StipiliSpronfi is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 2
    Luck>Skill called Roserade back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Gyarados!

    Gyarados intimidates the foe's Old Style!
    The foe's Old Style's Attack fell!
    Back Burner called Old Style back!
    Back Burner sent out Hunter! (Flygon)

    BijouX: op op op

    Start of turn 3
    The foe's Hunter used U-turn!
    It's not very effective...
    Gyarados lost 31 HP! (9% of its health)
    Back Burner called Hunter back!
    Back Burner sent out In Da Sky! (Zapdos)

    The foe's In Da Sky is exerting its Pressure!

    Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
    Gyarados's Attack rose!
    Gyarados's Speed rose!

    Start of turn 4
    Gyarados used Stone Edge!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's In Da Sky lost 100% of its health!
    The foe's In Da Sky fainted!

    Back Burner sent out I'm >9000! (Shaymin)

    BijouX: aia
    Fitzyhbbe is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 5
    The foe's I'm >9000 used Seed Flare!
    Gyarados lost 184 HP! (55% of its health)

    Gyarados sprang up!

    Start of turn 6
    Back Burner called I'm >9000 back!
    Back Burner sent out Akainu! (Heatran)

    Gyarados used Bounce!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Akainu lost 45% of its health!

    _Alexander_: orb

    Start of turn 7
    Back Burner called Akainu back!
    Back Burner sent out I'm >9000! (Shaymin)

    Gyarados used Waterfall!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's I'm >9000 lost 43% of its health!
    _Alexander_: :O
    _Alexander_: O:

    Start of turn 8
    Luck>Skill called Gyarados back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Roserade!

    The foe's I'm >9000 used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    Roserade lost 124 HP! (47% of its health)

    Unlucky-: bella

    Start of turn 9
    The foe's I'm >9000 used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    Roserade lost 124 HP! (47% of its health)

    Roserade used Sludge Bomb!
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    The foe's I'm >9000 lost 56% of its health!
    The foe's I'm >9000 fainted!

    Back Burner sent out Akainu! (Heatran)

    .Mylo Xyloto: useless ma vbb

    Start of turn 10
    Luck>Skill called Roserade back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Gyarados!

    Gyarados intimidates the foe's Akainu!
    The foe's Akainu's Attack fell!
    The foe's Akainu used Earth Power!
    It had no effect on Gyarados!

    Start of turn 11
    The foe's Akainu used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    Gyarados lost 17 HP! (5% of its health)
    Gyarados fainted!

    Luck>Skill sent out Dragonite!

    Start of turn 12
    The foe's Akainu used Explosion!
    Dragonite lost 298 HP! (92% of its health)
    The foe's Akainu fainted!

    Dragonite used Superpower!
    But there was no target...

    torchicollo is watching the battle.
    Back Burner sent out Fuck Dragonz! (Weavile)

    The foe's Fuck Dragonz is exerting its Pressure!

    Start of turn 13
    The foe's Fuck Dragonz used Ice Shard!
    It's super effective!
    Dragonite lost 25 HP! (7% of its health)
    Dragonite fainted!

    _Alexander_: multiscale worked
    Fosco: ugh
    Luck>Skill sent out Jirachi!

    Start of turn 14
    Back Burner called Fuck Dragonz back!
    Back Burner sent out Old Style! (Aerodactyl)

    The foe's Old Style is exerting its Pressure!
    Jirachi used Iron Head!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Old Style hung on using its Focus Sash!
    The foe's Old Style lost 99% of its health!
    BijouX: che figo weavile

    Start of turn 15
    The foe's Old Style is fast asleep.

    Jirachi used Ice Punch!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Old Style lost 0% of its health!
    The foe's Old Style fainted!

    _Alexander_: 2-2
    Back Burner sent out Hunter! (Flygon)

    _Alexander_: closeee

    Start of turn 16
    Luck>Skill called Jirachi back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    The foe's Hunter used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    Heatran's Shuca Berry weakened Earthquake's power!
    Heatran lost 283 HP! (87% of its health)

    Start of turn 17
    The foe's Hunter used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    Heatran lost 41 HP! (12% of its health)
    Heatran fainted!

    .Mylo Xyloto: ma perchè? o_o
    torchicollo: o lo outspeedi o resisti
    Duncan>Y>DPP: why luck
    Fosco: ^
    Unsure. is watching the battle.
    TD_Fener: ma cazzo stai facendo?
    TD_Fener: lol
    Luck>Skill: ?
    TD_Fener: tasti a caso
    Luck>Skill: qual'è il problema
    Unlucky-: s'è dimenticato roserade
    Luck>Skill sent out Roserade!

    Start of turn 18
    Roserade used Leaf Storm!
    .Mylo Xyloto: gg
    The foe's Hunter lost 100% of its health!
    Roserade's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
    The foe's Hunter fainted!

    Fosco: ahah
    Back Burner sent out Fuck Dragonz! (Weavile)

    The foe's Fuck Dragonz is exerting its Pressure!

    Start of turn 19
    The foe's Fuck Dragonz used Ice Shard!
    It's super effective!
    Roserade lost 14 HP! (5% of its health)
    Roserade fainted!

    Unlucky-: ah ma è scarfer"
    Unlucky-: !
    Luck>Skill: eh
    Duncan>Y>DPP: !
    Luck>Skill: e l'ultimo
    Luck>Skill sent out Jolteon!

    Luck>Skill: era lui

    Start of turn 20
    Jolteon used Thunderbolt!
    The foe's Fuck Dragonz lost 80% of its health!
    The foe's Fuck Dragonz fainted!

    Luck>Skill won the battle!
    .Mylo Xyloto stopped watching the battle.


    Battle between Luck>Skill and Back Burner started!

    Tier: DPP OU
    Mode: Singles
    Rule: Unrated
    Rule: Sleep Clause
    Rule: Species Clause
    Rule: Self-KO Clause

    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!
    Back Burner sent out Azelf!
    StipiliSpronfi is watching the battle.
    Bugs Kubrick is watching the battle.
    TD_Fener is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 1
    Heatran used Fire Blast!
    The foe's Azelf lost 91% of its health!
    Montblanc is watching the battle.

    The foe's Azelf used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Luck>Skill's team!

    Start of turn 2
    Back Burner called Azelf back!
    Back Burner sent out Tyranitar!

    the foe's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
    Heatran used Fire Blast!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Tyranitar lost 19% of its health!
    Duncan>Y>DPP is watching the battle.

    The sandstorm rages.

    Start of turn 3
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Swampert!
    Pointed stones dug into Swampert!

    The foe's Tyranitar used Stone Edge!
    It's not very effective...
    Swampert lost 71 HP! (17% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    _Alexander_ is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 4
    The foe's Tyranitar used Crunch!
    Swampert lost 121 HP! (29% of its health)

    Swampert used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around Back Burner's team!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Bugs Kubrick: LOLPERT IN DP

    Start of turn 5
    The foe's Tyranitar used Crunch!
    Swampert lost 115 HP! (28% of its health)
    Montblanc: nice crash
    Swampert's Defense fell!

    Swampert used Earthquake!
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    The foe's Tyranitar lost 80% of its health!
    The foe's Tyranitar fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Unlucky- is watching the battle.
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Starmie!

    Bugs Kubrick: #skills

    Start of turn 6
    Luck>Skill called Swampert back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Shaymin!
    Pointed stones dug into Shaymin!

    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    It's not very effective...
    Shaymin lost 92 HP! (22% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Shaymin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 7
    Back Burner called Starmie back!
    Back Burner sent out Azelf!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Azelf!
    The foe's Azelf fainted!

    Shaymin used Leech Seed!
    But there was no target...

    The sandstorm rages.
    Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Shaymin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

    .Mylo Xyloto is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 8
    Shaymin used Protect!
    Shaymin protected itself!

    The foe's Jirachi used Iron Head!
    Shaymin protected itself!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Shaymin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    _Alexander_: l'incubo
    tympe is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 9
    Luck>Skill called Shaymin back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Swampert!
    Pointed stones dug into Swampert!

    The foe's Jirachi used Hidden Power!
    Swampert lost 77 HP! (19% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages.
    Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 10
    The foe's Jirachi used Hidden Power!
    Swampert lost 70 HP! (17% of its health)
    Swampert fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!
    Pointed stones dug into Heatran!

    Start of turn 11
    Back Burner called Jirachi back!
    Back Burner sent out Dragonite!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Dragonite!

    Heatran used Fire Blast!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Dragonite lost 28% of its health!
    The foe's Dragonite was burned!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Dragonite is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Dragonite was hurt by its burn!
    Bugs Kubrick: lol
    Duncan>Y>DPP: lol
    Back Burner: no dai
    Bugs Kubrick: achieved
    .Mylo Xyloto stopped watching the battle.
    Luck>Skill: AH
    tympe stopped watching the battle.
    Unlucky-: cazzo

    Start of turn 12
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Hitmontop!
    Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop!

    Hitmontop intimidates the foe's Dragonite!
    The foe's Dragonite's Attack fell!
    The foe's Dragonite used Roost!
    The foe's Dragonite landed on the ground!
    The foe's Dragonite regained health!
    Omega is watching the battle.
    [Imperial]Shinichi is watching the battle.

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Dragonite is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Hitmontop is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Dragonite was hurt by its burn!
    .Mylo Xyloto is watching the battle.
    Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Bugs Kubrick: ah è mixed
    Bugs Kubrick: il burlone

    Start of turn 13
    The foe's Dragonite used Roost!
    The foe's Dragonite landed on the ground!
    The foe's Dragonite regained health!
    tympe is watching the battle.

    Hitmontop used Rapid Spin!
    The foe's Dragonite lost 4% of its health!
    Hitmontop blew away Stealth Rock!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Dragonite is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Hitmontop is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Dragonite was hurt by its burn!
    Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 14
    Luck>Skill called Hitmontop back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    The foe's Dragonite used Dragon Dance!
    The foe's Dragonite's Attack rose!
    The foe's Dragonite's Speed rose!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Dragonite is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Dragonite was hurt by its burn!
    WPA is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 15
    Heatran used Hidden Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Dragonite lost 58% of its health!
    The foe's Dragonite fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Back Burner sent out Lucario!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Lucario!

    peppe>joe>luck>skill is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 16
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Zapdos!

    Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!
    The foe's Lucario used Close Combat!
    It's not very effective...
    Zapdos lost 159 HP! (41% of its health)
    The foe's Lucario's Defense fell!
    The foe's Lucario's Sp. Def. fell!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Zapdos is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Montblanc: KACAW
    Back Burner: bene ho perso
    .Mylo Xyloto: gg
    Back Burner: evvai
    TD_Fener: ...
    Bugs Kubrick: la tecnica del pianto

    Start of turn 17
    Zapdos used Roost!
    Zapdos landed on the ground!
    Zapdos regained health!

    The foe's Lucario used Close Combat!
    Zapdos lost 325 HP! (84% of its health)
    Duncan>Y>DPP: bo7 come on
    Luck>Skill: ah
    The foe's Lucario's Defense fell!
    The foe's Lucario's Sp. Def. fell!
    Bugs Kubrick: ecco

    The sandstorm rages.
    Zapdos is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Luck>Skill: ero max speed
    Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Montblanc: .
    Luck>Skill: e che ne so
    Bugs Kubrick: THE CHOKE

    Start of turn 18
    The foe's Lucario used ExtremeSpeed!
    Zapdos lost 58 HP! (15% of its health)
    Zapdos fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    .Mylo Xyloto: ..
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    Unsure. is watching the battle.

    Start of turn 19
    Back Burner called Lucario back!
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Starmie!
    [SL]Dracotosse is watching the battle.

    Heatran used Earth Power!
    The foe's Starmie lost 45% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 20
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Vaporeon!

    The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!
    Vaporeon's Water Absorb made the attack useless!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Vaporeon is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Bugs Kubrick: ma perchè
    Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Bugs Kubrick: o_o

    Start of turn 21
    Back Burner called Starmie back!
    Back Burner sent out Jirachi!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

    Vaporeon used Wish!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Vaporeon is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 22
    The foe's Jirachi used Iron Head!
    It's not very effective...
    Vaporeon lost 54 HP! (11% of its health)

    Vaporeon used Surf!
    The foe's Jirachi lost 42% of its health!

    Vaporeon's wish came true!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Vaporeon is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 23
    The foe's Jirachi used Thunder!
    It's super effective!
    Vaporeon lost 288 HP! (62% of its health)

    Vaporeon used Surf!
    The foe's Jirachi lost 36% of its health!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Vaporeon is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 24
    The foe's Jirachi used Thunder!
    The attack of the foe's Jirachi missed!

    Vaporeon used Wish!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Vaporeon is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 25
    The foe's Jirachi used Thunder!
    It's super effective!
    Vaporeon lost 175 HP! (37% of its health)
    Vaporeon fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    Start of turn 26
    Heatran used Earth Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Jirachi lost 8% of its health!
    The foe's Jirachi fainted!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Back Burner: dio che palle però
    Bugs Kubrick: attenzione signori
    Back Burner sent out Starmie!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Starmie!

    Bugs Kubrick: ecco che arriva il choke

    Start of turn 27
    Luck>Skill called Heatran back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Hitmontop!

    Hitmontop intimidates the foe's Starmie!
    The foe's Starmie's Attack fell!
    The foe's Starmie used Ice Beam!
    Hitmontop lost 75 HP! (24% of its health)
    Hitmontop was frozen solid!

    The sandstorm rages.
    The foe's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    The foe's Starmie fainted!
    Hitmontop is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Back Burner sent out Lucario!
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's Lucario!

    Start of turn 28
    Luck>Skill called Hitmontop back!
    Luck>Skill sent out Shaymin!

    The foe's Lucario used Swords Dance!
    The foe's Lucario's Attack sharply rose!

    The sandstorm rages.
    Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Shaymin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    .Mylo Xyloto: azz
    .Mylo Xyloto: il froze

    Start of turn 29
    The foe's Lucario used ExtremeSpeed!
    Shaymin lost 242 HP! (59% of its health)
    .Mylo Xyloto: rovina tutto
    .Mylo Xyloto: ah no

    Shaymin used Seed Flare!
    It's not very effective...
    The foe's Lucario lost 33% of its health!
    .Mylo Xyloto: gg

    The sandstorm rages.
    Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
    Shaymin fainted!
    Luck>Skill sent out Heatran!

    Start of turn 30
    The foe's Lucario used ExtremeSpeed!
    It's not very effective...
    Heatran lost 107 HP! (33% of its health)
    Bugs Kubrick: all hail luck

    Heatran used Earth Power!
    It's super effective!
    The foe's Lucario lost 11% of its health!
    The foe's Lucario fainted!

    Luck>Skill won the battle!

    Edited by Luck>Skill - 21/3/2013, 15:34
  15. .
820 replies since 24/10/2010